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1. 在使用智慧乘梯APP之前,应到物业管理处进行注册。
Before using the APP, users should register with the property management office.

2. 注册之后,用户在需要使用手机呼梯时,在电梯轿厢内打开APP软件,选择乘梯码,将乘梯码对准电梯扫描设备,即可呼叫电梯到用户的特定楼层。
After registration, when users need to use the elevator, open the APP in the elevator car, select the elevator code, and align it with the elevator scanning device, then users can call the elevator to the specific floor.

3. 注册之后,用户应避免清理该梯控APP软件的缓存,或者卸载该梯控APP。如不慎清理了梯控APP的缓存或者卸载了梯控APP,应到物业管理处重新注册,否则将无法继续使用。
After registration, users should avoid clearing the cache of the APP or uninstalling the APP. If the user accidentally clear the cache or uninstall the APP, he should go to the property management office to re-register, otherwise he will not be able to continue using it.

Version: 1.1
Updated: 2019-11-06
Developer: Qinhuangdao Development Zone Prospect Photoelectric Tech Co., Ltd 
Permission information: Permission details